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Thoughts from below the belt
(< 1997). Below the belt thoughts,
horny, hot, randy, lusty.
Ill. Simplified form of a full clitoris...
erstwhile version.
Versions: sometimes the performer seemed to be a human being
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Archaic cerebration
4er (< 2001). Thoughtless, inconsiderate,
Ill. this is a only quartered version of "Knots".
3er (< 2004). 1. barbaric or sprimordial,
amygdaloid nucleus thinking., triebgesteu-
ertes D., 2. keine Hemmungen haben.
Ill. the form was developed from the 4er.
More about the meaning of the numbers 3, 4
and 5 and the number of segments from
the performers "Archaic cerebration" and
"Brain" compare with with the performers
"4er" and "5er". |
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(< 1996). To suffer from something, to be
irritated, spiritual decay, to be overwhelmed,
bemoaning, inner fury, suffering, self-torture,
to be tortured by something, psychological
pain, morose, pulling oneself to pieces over
Something, that one does not like....but
cannot get rid of, therefore stores.
Ill. the shape of the performer "Heart",
which is "flat", spatial, with clear and ob-
vious volume.
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(< 1998). Do, work, produce, doing, makin
plans and carrying them out.
Attention: appears in two versions!
Ill. of performer reminds one a sawhorse.
a) traditional form (spatial and with
energy line(s))
b) more recent short version |
Versions |
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(< 1996). House and yard, residential
house, place of living, at home - as a
bourgeois idea and as a real place, de-
pending on the context.
Ill. a house (left) and a (leafy) tree are
represented in contour.
Versions: sometimes the tree looks like a speech balloon: the 'home' more like a
concept, an idea...
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Mouth chain
(< 1997). Talk, gossip, social control.
Even though the performer can be well-
utilized, only rarely used .
Ill. several heads, whose mouths (and
eyes) make a chain.
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old version: |
"K"-version: |
(< 1996). Illustration, picture, idea for a
picture, idea of a picture, sample, orna-
ment, to make a picture, example.
Ill. three columns represent 3 dimensions
(and the drawing): the 2 spatial dimensions
and the idea (for a picture).
Picture with arrow-design in "K"-form
(<2009). picture in art-context: the trans-
lation for Art in german "Kunst" with a "K"...
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(< 1996). Plastic art, sculpture (within the
context of art).
But also: (manmade) object.
Ill. three columns represent three spatial
dimensions within the contour of a rectan-
gular solid.
Versions |
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Draw a blank
(< 1997). To suppress something (willingly),
But also: hunch, (uncertain) negative pre-
Always turns clockwise!
Ill. derived from a whirl.
(< 1999). Money, greed, property, wealth,
profit-driven thinking.
Ill. the shape is derived from a peanut;
in many variations with and without any
drawing inside.
Performer No. 13 bis 24 |