Assembled performers |
Composed performers or performers with additives, used so often, that
they get the status of performers.
as_01 |
Arrows and arrow-tabs by and on arrows placed add-ons
To want sth.
(< 2007). 1. to want sth., aspire, intend
or to mean sth., 2. desire, to feel like it,
to go for sth.
Ill. a fragment from the performer
Heart is placed on an arrow. Arrow
to the right.
Attention: many versions!
top of
(< 2007). boggler, to be scared shitless,
to shit a brick.
Ill. someone does it in his trousers. Arrow
to the left.
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(< 2007). 1. to become scared, to be petri-
fied, 2. (in) anxiety, dilemma, complication.
Ill. mix between a Heartbomb-fragment and
a rabbit. As a general rule arrow to the left.
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To have to
(< 2007). 1. to be supposed to do sth.,
constrained, forced, unable to avoid,
unter Druck stehen, 2. to dismiss sth.,
sth. of no use.
Ill. a fragment of the performer
Heartbomb is placed on an arrow.
Attention: many versions!
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as_02 |
(< 2002). excerpt, ideology, limited idea of
the world.
Ill. Assembled performer: from an image
(Performer Nr. 09) and a shrouded globe,
from which only a small piece can be seen.
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as_03 |
Everyday life
(< 1999). Normal 'World of life'; as well
as the cliche for mainstream and personal
routine world. 'Environment, normal environ-
ment, everyday life'.
Ill. assembled drawing: the performer,
House-Tree, and a globe and several circles,
which represent parts/excerpts of reality....
Versions: sometimes the performer comes close to a Micky Mouse Head...
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as_04 |
(< 2001). Chaos, confuse, overstretched,
crazy, disturbed, confused, mad.
Ill. assembled drawing: negatively distorted
Brain (performer No. 1) inside a bird, neck-
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as_05 |
(< 2001). dissecting, part of, share of, to
tear, to rip.
Ill. Mostly combined with a sieve (Performer
Nr. 23). The two bow lines determine meaning.